Wednesday 31 October 2012

Content Curation is the emerging trend

pic courtesy- herbertkikoy
Whatever industry you are in today, you will be using social media marketing to get more and more business. One of the primary components of social media is 'content'.  You are going to use this overwhelming mass of information on the internet. We are going to look at different tools that you can use to review and filter content.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

How Effective is Authentic and Automated content for your website

When I say that content is crucial for any website to succeed online. Also, that quality content attracts search traffic and helps build your brand, I will not be saying anything new.

We all know content is crucial, but then we should also know that content should be authentic". In my view, the content on your website should accurately portray your brand. In most websites, I have seen that content talks about values, culture, and history and stuff that does not appeal to the audience. I am sure people do not read that and instead; they scan and leave the page.